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Results for "keyword: "soul""
A. I. Artificial Intelligence A complex, elusive, spellbinding, and visionary film that tutors us in the spiritual practice of ensouling the world of things in the name of love and through the faculty of our imagination.
My Brilliant Career A near perfect film exploring the efforts of an independent-minded farrm girl to fulfill her dream of becoming a writer.
After Life An exquisite film about the afterlife that lingers in the mind and in the senses for many days.
The Governess A beautifuly crafted drama set in England during the 1840s about feminine intuition, creativity and passion.
Titanic The majestic blockbuster whose special effects scenes pale in comparison to the ways Cameron exalts the salvific power of love.
Flubber Just the right mix of slapstick and high tech wizardry.
Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights A vivid anatomy of the soul's power to animate or to decimate life.
Road Scholar A witty travel guide with a serious interest in the unique and varied ways in which Americans express their spirituality in a materialistic culture.
The Firm A first-class thriller and thought-provoking morality play.
Where the Rivers Flow North Explores the powerful dynamics of love of place and the terrrible price we pay for pride.